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Each class will focus on a different drawing, while learning how shapes, light and perspective impacts the drawing. Skill Leve: Beginner, Suggested Age: 10+. Class plans are tentative and subject to change with out notice. 

  • Thursdays, 6-7:30pm
    • Feb. 20th, Artful Architecture
    • April 17th, Animals
    • May 15th, Trees and Brush Landscape
    • June 19th, Night Time Drawing
    • Aug. 21st, Glass Bottles 
  • Additional Class Dates
    • Mon. March 10th, 6-7:30pm, Character Illustration
    • Tues. April 1st, 2:30-4pm, Fire Drawing
    • Mon, June 23rd, 1-2:30pm, Koi in Water
    • Thur. July 17th, 3-4:30pm, Alice in Wonderland
    • Mon. Aug. 11th, 10am-12:30pm, Origami Drawing


Photo Release: I give Clio Center for the Arts permission to use photos taken with me and/or my child(ren) during class to be used on their website and/or social media. Please answer yes or no in Photo Release section.

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All sales are final.  No make-up classes for missed classes, unless CCA cancels a class. CCA is closed for weather if Clio Schools are closed.


Additional information

Class Date

Feb. 20th, March 10th, April 17th, May 15th, June 19th, Aug. 21st, April 1st, June 23rd, July 17th, Aug 11th

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